During the initial research phase of Project Hindsight, provisional translations were published of selected astrological treatises from both the Hellenistic and the Medieval period. Altogether, we published 17 booklets for the "Greek Track." This represented about two-fifths of the surviving source texts from the Hellenistic period. These translations were of necessity done provisionally, as the conceptual and vocabulary issues were such that definitive translations could not be done until the entire survivng corpus could be studied.
The original print run of these translations have all been sold. We are beginning the process of issuing the revised editions of these works, along with the remaining three-fifths of the surviving texts that we have yet to issue. However, interest in these texts is such that we have decided to make the preliminary translations available as re-prints until such time as the new editions are published. A complete list of the available titles, along with the table of contents for each, can be found under the "Archives" tab of our website listed as Hellenistic Track Translations. The price for these re-prints is $45 each, with the exception of VOL. IIA: ANONYMOUS OF 379, ON THE FIXED STARS and VOL. IIb: ANTIOCHUS OF ATHENS, FRAGMENTS FROM HIS THESAURUS, which are $25 each. Ordering information can be found under the "Products" tab of our website.